Updated April 5, 4:30 p.m.
In the wake of a mass shooting early Sunday that left six dead and 12 injured in downtown Sacramento, local organizations are providing support to the affected families and to Sacramento at large.
“We were harmed as a community and we’re going to heal as a community,” said Nina Acosta, program manager for the Victim Witness Program with the Sacramento County District Attorney's Office.
More information about what’s available there for families who have lost a loved one, along with other resources providing support to the Sacramento community is below.
UPDATE: The family assistance center at CalExpo will close after 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6.
Support for families impacted by the shooting
Family assistance center
For families who have lost a loved one, volunteers at CalExpo will fill out all necessary paperwork and help make phone calls for arranging funeral and burial services. If a family has already picked out a funeral home to work with, volunteers will also work with that home to walk the family through the process.
The only thing they need to bring is verification that they are a family member of one of the victims.
CalExpo is located at 1600 Exposition Blvd. in Sacramento. The center is open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 4 - 6. UPDATE: The center will no longer be open after 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6.
For more information, call 311 or, if outside Sacramento, 916-264-5001.
After the center closes on Wednesday, community members can also get support from:
- Victim Witness Program at the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office: 916-874-5701
- Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento 24-hour helpline: 916-857-1801
- American Red Cross: 916-993-7070
Help impacted families pay for funeral expenses
Three families have started crowdfunding for burial and funeral expenses for their loved ones who were killed in the shooting.
You can donate here.
California Victims Compensation Board
The agency can help pay for bills and expenses that come from crime, with crime survivors who have been injured also eligible.
For more information, call 800-777-9229, or apply on the agency's website.
VictimsFirst is a network of survivors of mass casualty crime providing resources and support to others who have gone through similar experiences. The organization has a fund that can help pay for bills and expenses for victims and survivors of mass shootings and mass casualty crime; can also connect people to other opportunities to get financial support.
For more information, call 706-842-8467.
Bereavement Network Resources Sacramento
Offers the Community Bereavement Resource Directory, which has information about bereavement groups in Sacramento and other support opportunities.
To be connected to someone who can help refer you to services, call 2-1-1 or 916-498-1000. If you are deaf or hearing impaired, you can call 7-1-1 and ask to be connected to 2-1-1. Call specialists who speak English, Spanish, Thai, Hmong, Lao and Mien are available.
Sacramento County Homicide Support Network
A monthly support group providing emotional support to individuals and family members holding the trauma of losing a loved one to murder.
Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at 901 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814.
Support for survivors and the broader Sacramento community
Family assistance center
The county family assistance center is also available for anyone who thinks they might need crisis care support. Victim advocates from the county District Attorney's office, American Red Cross and the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy are present to provide crisis support and spiritual care.
CalExpo is located at 1600 Exposition Blvd. in Sacramento. The center is open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 4 - 6. UPDATE: The center will no longer be open after 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6.
For more information, call 311 or, if outside Sacramento, 916-264-5001.
After the center closes on Wednesday, community members can also get support from:
- Victim Witness Program at the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office: 916-874-5701
- Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento 24-hour helpline: 916-857-1801
- American Red Cross: 916-993-7070
Mental Health First Sacramento
Call or text trained volunteers who can listen and provide resources at 916-670-4062.
National Disaster Distress Helpline
The hotline, run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, is available 24/7 to provide counseling, support and service referrals in the wake of incidents of mass violence.
Call or text 1-800-985-5990. To access service in Spanish, press 2. For people seeking counselors fluent in ASL: Call the phone number via a video-enabled device or use this link. For people seeking counselors fluent in other languages, indicate your preferred language to the responding counselor.
Speaking with kids
This guide from NPR provides tips for talking to kids about what happened, including:
- Center feelings by asking what kids have heard and how they’re feeling.
- Provide facts and context.
- Focus on those who are helping, instead of using terms like “bad guys.”
A Different Path
This Sacramento-based nonprofit, which works with trauma-impacted youth and families, is offering free therapy for 90 days to both youth and adults who are affected by the shooting. Therapy is virtual-only for adults, while youth 12-17 can make in-person appointments.
To sign up, you can fill out this Google form.
Bar and Restaurant Workers
Restaurant Cares
Restaurant Cares is a nonprofit organization through the California Restaurant Association Foundation that provides direct assistance to food and beverage workers in need. Workers experiencing hardship can apply for financial grants on the organization's website. CapRadio has confirmed with the organization that workers experiencing trauma in connection to tragedies like the mass shooting on K Street. are eligible for financial assistance. The nonprofit encourages applicants to document the financial impacts of the trauma experienced, such as missed work shifts or costs associated with mental health services. Financial assistance typically ranges from $500 to $1,500.
I Got Your Back
Founded by the co-owners of Mulvaney’s B&L in Sacramento, the project provides mental health resources and guidance for bars and restaurants, with an emphasis on peer-to-peer support. Business owners and managers can access training materials on their site, review community mental resources and contact I Got Your Back to learn more about participating in the program.
Active Minds
Active Minds is a nonprofit that promotes mental health awareness and education. The nonprofit published a guide last year for hospitality industry managers looking to support the mental health needs of their workers.
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