The State of Nevada knows it is saving money for local agencies through contracts with vendors but it has no easy way to track the savings.
For example, the Washoe County Sheriff’s Department is replacing its fleet with Chevy Tahoes that retail for $42,000. The state has negotiated the price down to $29,000 per vehicle.
State Procurement Administrator Greg Smith says if he could track purchases like this through a computer system he could probably save even more.
“Bingo, the power of the information, and you can go back to the vendor and that is when you can really get them to sharpen their pencil when you can say, here is how much of this we buy as a state annually.”
The Washoe County Sheriff’s Department purchase has already saved nearly half a million dollars. Smith says a tracking system costs $1.2 million and this fall the department will be part of a study to implement one.
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